

Band pass filter(hard coat)




Hard-coated band-pass filters have excellent durability due to plasma-ion process coating.

Their characteristic is that the interference of reflected light generated at the interface of the thin film can be used to selectively transmit the desired specific wavelength.

Compared to absorbent filters such as glass and gelatin, this filter can restrict the transmission band narrowly and separate the transmission band sharply from the inhibition band, allowing extremely clear contrast characteristics to be obtained. With regard to inhibition performance, it is possible to support OD6 or higher in the visible region. The applicable wavelength range is from the ultraviolet region to the infrared region.
Apart from that, we can also respond to requests for desired size, transmittance, inhibition band, etc.


LiDAR, 3D sensing, fluorescence analysis, Raman analysis, exposure apparatus, medical treatment, gas analysis, lasers, optical communications, astronomical observation, various sensors, etc.

Example characteristics

PIF: Visible narrow band pass filter
Narrow band-pass filter with a half value of 1 nm or less.

PIF: Visible wide band pass filter
Standard band-pass filter in the visible light range.

PIF: Near infrared wide band pass filter
Near-infrared region band-pass filter. We are also able to customize the inhibition band to block the full visible light range.

Definition of central wavelength

The definition of the central wavelength (λ0) of a band-pass filter can be divided broadly into the two following types.
The type of soft coat band-pass filter differs depending on the product, so please use this as a reference. We design hard coated band-pass filters to meet customer requirements.

Type ①

Type ②